What are the packaging trends for 2025?
A new year means new trends. What does 2025 have in store for packaging industry? And what are the effects of new EU legislation aimed at reducing packaging waste? We highlight three trends.
1. More focus on sustainable packaging
One of the most prominent trends in the packaging industry is the growing demand for sustainable packaging. For example, we are seeing that retail is increasingly looking for a sustainable alternative to expanded polystyrene boxes, and the PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) is making its presence felt.
In December, the PPWR was formerly approved by the European Council. This is an important milestone for the reduction of packaging waste. The key goal is to reduce the amount of packaging entering the market, prevent packaging waste, and focus more on reuse and high-quality recycling. From 2030, packaging must comply with a number of rules according to the PPWR that will help achieve these objectives.
2. Solid board as a sustainable alternative
The PPWR legislation is going to have a major impact in the coming years. Plastic will be replaced by reusable, environmentally friendly packaging, such as solid board. As a supplier of solid board packaging, we offer a sustainable alternative that complies the PPWR regulations. Our packaging is made from recycled paper and is fully recycled after use. Have you seen our punnets for fruits and vegetables? The fruit and vegetable and packaging is made from 100% recycled paper and cardboard, offering the perfect sustainable alternative to plastic.

3. More and more sustainable packaging is becoming available for a wider range of products
At Smart Packaging Solutions, we continually invest in our plant to increase the quality and possibilities for solid board packaging. In line with this, we plan to upgrade the technical performance of our laminator in Oudegem so that we can expand our range of products. We also plan to install a new state-of-the-art flexo printing press in Loenen. This will facilitate pushing the boundaries of what is possible with solid board. Sustainable packaging is available for an increasing number of applications.